Daisy Dead Nettle

How many times have I been told,
In dreams and in the daylight,
“Receive what has been given.”

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve forgotten how…
But intuition tells me it’s like believing things need to change,
Like daring to think you could have a part in it,
A role to play.

Some days I think the earth listened to me that summer day when I begged and prayed for medicine,
Not the kind I had been given by men– the real,
Right medicine.

And I am enough,
And, now, just like the Earth does,
I offer my medicine up.

And not just for you.
Not just for you.

One day,
A door will open and I’ll walk through it…
With all the songs and souls I walk with,
And all the flowers that appeared just where they needed to be…

Flowers pictured: Purple Deadnettle